domingo, 25 de outubro de 2020

Existência Com Gosto De Nada / Hypomania / Disfigured Human Mind / Consumed To Death / Bad Trip Noise / Drenagem / Bipolar Disorder

 It can always take a while to put the news here due to the volume of work, but they eventually appear!

The musical destruction has to continue, here are the tapes of the split with Existência Com Gosto De Nada (Br).

Complete packages ready to be shipped to Germany ( Consumed To Death aka CxTxD), Brazil (Existência Com Gosto De Nada) and Thailand (Bipolar Disorder)

Tapes from HYPOMANIA / EXISTÊNCIA COM GOSTO DE NADA "Alimentando A Própria Mente Com O Vazio" and DRENAGEM / BIPOLAR DISORDER "(dis) Funcional (dis) Harmony" Splits.

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