EDP067 | STINGING NETTLE "Seeker of Aberrations"
A Doença Podcast # 11
I turned on the schizophrenic mode.
As I had already mentioned the new edition of Pirate Radio / Podcast... or whatever the fuck you want to call this shit, is back for your sins!
KU DE JUDAS (PT) - Old School Punk rock
F.O.M.O. (PT) - D-Beat Raw Punk
STINGING NETTLE (PT) - Lo-fi Black Metal Punk
TASSANTALON (PT) - Black meta / Noisecore
DOMINADO PELA COLERA (PT) - Black / Death Metal
RAW VOMIT (PT) - Black metal / Grindcore
NEGACION (JP) - Lo-fi Black Metal / Hardcore punk
A10X (PT) - Industrial Noise
Insults, arrogance, insolence... and satanic noise! That's all you can find here! - Black noise and filthy punk...
April 1 will be up at the usual place!
I must pay my respects to SADOGHOUL for their trust and friendship in recent times.
This split really made my year, those who know me know how much I like blasphemous sounding shredding... and these guys are currently my project of choice.
Very soon, a tribute to the real ones.
Anarchist Black metal, rotten, noisy, lo-fi... there's no point in recording everything clean and then messing it up in the editing programs ;)
You fucking posers!
Last weekend I was invited to make what I am worst at Setubal.
I shared a humble venue with the coolest folks ever and of course my team of noise freaks!
I leave you here with the live set recorded by the brother from @diafracta (please check his work!!)
HYPOMANIA - https://soundcloud.com/hypomanianoise/hypomania-displaced-ear
Artwork from: @askratx / @nekro.ruido.rekords
While some speak ill of other people because of a non-existent podium or competitiveness which in our environment is not justifiable... I continue here like a crazy person connecting with maniacs who only want to distill hate of the day-to-day, through the noise!
Here you go, guys! For the DRENAGEM maniacs who were waiting for this one.
Hateful hyperventilation distilled through 16 minutes of pure auditory grinding! Here is the result of the evolution of human saturation... when you reach the point of collapse where the result is only one... Mass destruction!
Bobby Paranoize - Bass, guitar, Drum programming, and vocals
1. 10 Songs About Complete Fucking Idiots And The Downfall Of Humanity
Ced - Guitar / Vocals | Nacho - Drums | Benji - Noise
2. Como Ver a Humanidade a Afogar-se Na Sua Própria Estupidez, Acto. 1 - Baseado Numa História Real
Photo by:@queima.roupa
EDP061 | RUINA "Existência Erodida"
I was very pleased with the result of this EP!
I like to take my time and think about how I'm going to do the releases, so they don't always have to be the same.
For this Sludge / Doom project I decided to go back to the 90's vibes - flyer style cover, xerox
Here it is RUINA "Eroded Existence" - limited tape edition to 30 hand-numbered copies!
You can listen to the EP here - https://enfermodistro.bandcamp.com/album/exist-ncia-erodida
Cover Art by: @neco_funtattoo
Logo by: Miguel Rocha
Layout by: Enfermo distro
EDP063 / ARO15 | FxOxMxOx "Demo 2023"
Just more musical bullshit made by 4 lovers of noisy, lazy, minimalist punk. Since "underground" is more about licking asses and following each other's ideas, F.O.M.O just crams in rehearsals and does what punk should always have to do...
Tell you all to fuck off!
For fans of Discharge, Disclose or Besthoven.
Tape edition by Enfermo Distro and @anoise.recs
Bass: Kizas
Drums: Nacho
Guitar: Ced
Vocals: Pozer
Side A:
1.Guerra de merda
2. Crânios
3. Sem Truques
4. Cerveja
5. Reis do nada
Side B:
6. P de poser
7. Moshing 4 Nothing
8. Vozes do ódio
Recorded at: RG Studio
Mixed by: Rui Pontvianne
Co-mixed by: @rucadomato
Cover art: @suk.e.ban
Layout: @o.anoiser
Logo by: Miguel Rocha
Here we go for another noisy event!
This one will have more of an old-school vibe, so we can enjoy a nice Sunday before we fall back into the reality of a shitty Monday.
Let's go!!!
EDP062 | RANCE "Dans la porcherie noire du siècle"
“Au point culminant de notre audacieuse existence, chargée de négritude et de mort, voici une offrande pour exterminer toute la race humaine et sa dégoûtante décadence.
Savoure la cérémonie, mon frère, dans une ode au Dieu défunt qui conjure le monde à travers les entrailles de Satan.
Je meurs, sans avoir vécu.” - Hellkratus
EDP060 | OIDHCHE / TASSANTALON " Uttered By The Tongues of The Dead"
It's time to start the year as usual, in the ditch!
I know I have a bit different vision than some of what Black Noise is to me or Black Metal with noisecore / harsh noise... hence the term .... Some artists out there think that making everything beautiful and well played, and then dirtying the sound, will keep the spirit of what is for others an escape from inner demons, a reason to put themselves in a podium...
This is nothing less than a feeling, attitude, and anarchy!
I'm super proud to be able to experience up close the hatred, and contempt for oneself and the world, all distilled in a rotten sound!
And this here will be kept as it should be, Underground and lo-fi!
The next split coming out of the most rotten black / noise / Punk project in Portugal - OIDHCHE - with a band I've wanted to work with for some time from my city, dirty Black Noise - TASSANTALON!
Cover art: @mdlnmcd
For lovers of cacophony and brain mutilation, I recommend this.
All hail the filth, fuck posers!
No contacts
No band members
Just Insanity!
OUT NOW in physical format, Cassette, with a limitation to 20 hand-numbered copies!
Black noise punk in its most putrid form! 26 minutes of musical deconstruction, an ode to darkness, and complete nonchalance.
My aim is not to show you the typical, but the atypical.
May the noise prevail!
EDP059 | CIRCUITRIP / TUBETENTACLES "These Machines Kills Fascists"
Another destructive auditory blast, co-released between Enfermo Distro and @newapproachrecords !!!
Circuitrip and Tube Tentacles have joined forces to explode your brain using their synthz sweeping frequencies - let yourself be lulled by the roaring waves.
Estamos de volta para vos foder os timpanos!
Venho por este meio apresentar um evento especial por parte do nosso novo coletivo - Coletivo Distaxia!
Esse mesmo coletivo e uma colaboração entre a Enfermo distro e a @leviata___ no âmbito de podermos apoiar projectos interessantes dentro do nosso pequeno nicho de basqueiro.
Sendo assim dia 11 de Janeiro de 2023, no @espaco_al859 iremos ter um conjunto de projectos refinados dentro da cena noise:
Bobryk (UA) harsh noise, Kyiv
PARASNOL (NL) harsh noise, Roterdão
"O seu set soa como aquela cena de um filme de guerra onde todos explodiram e você está a coxear através do campo de batalha como um soldado meio surdo. Incluindo aquele zumbido persistente nos seus ouvidos". De: Noisy (VICE) dez. 19 2017
Vestas (NL) power electronics, Amsterdão
Landlust (UA/NL) harsh noise, Amsterdão
Schoco Mune (JP/NL) improv / noise, Japanese sediada em Amsterdão
Artista sonoro de improvisação e organizador de concertos dedicados à improvisação e música experimental. Ao utilizar objectos e microfones de contacto, Schoco Mune exibirá experiências sonoras explosivas que inundarão os seus ouvidos!
Vitor Oliveira (PT) experimental / noise, Barcelos
Para quem se interessar por este tipo de sonoridades, tera aqui um belo fim de tarde para relaxar ao fim do trabalho.
Atenção: TINNITUS! - Outra coisa, Este tipo de evento não será repetido muitas vezes... Para quem gosta de bom harsh noise e noise experimental, venham dar um salto!
Obrigado a @rotova_porojnina_records pela ajuda com o cartaz 👊
EDP057 | DIMMER FUTURE "The Light Is Getting Dimmer"
I want to introduce the latest project from Cedofeita, Porto / Portugal - DIMMER FUTURE!
This new band was formed by ex-members of one of my favorite Portuguese D-beat bands, FREEDOOM.
Society is always an inspirational reference point when we increasingly realize that all that is proposed to us is lies and manipulation.
Open your eyes, be alert... or it might be too late.
DIMMER FUTURE presents us with a tornado of violence and revolt, a great junction of the Scandinavian punk school with an American hardcore touch.
DIMMER FUTURE "The Ligh Is Getting Dimmer" - The album will be available soon in professional CD format limited to 300 copies!
You can listen to the full album here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=083c4IOdckc&ab_channel=Felopunk
Escaravelho14 / EDP058 | ATROFIA CEREBRAL / DRENAGEM "El sonido de la destruccíon domina los oídos"....
ATROFIA CEREBRAL - legends of the Peruvian Noisecore, as always take us to a parallel reality where violence is given freely, sinking the ear straight into the horrors of an infernal underworld. DRENAGEM - shows us the journey of a mind with an intermittent explosive disorder, about to have a neurological convulsion.
Cassette limited edition to 30 copies Hand numbered! Underground is to preserve, not to be corrupted!
Tracklist for Split with DRENAGEM
1-Siempre pesimista
2-Papel impreso
3-Argumentando lo irreal
5-Síntomas nihilistas
7-Acontecer anómalo
8-Ultra velocidad
9-Ciertos sectores
10-Apología al pesimismo
11-Clones inservibles
12-Radares rondando
13-Monólogo globalista
14-Bolsas negras
15-Sumisión dictaminada
16-En escombros
17-Programados para aniquilar
18-Osadía política
19-Murallas inclinadas
20-Clases predominantes
21-Declive mundial
22-Legión de cadáveres
23-Anochecer en el basural
24-Apostando por el negativismo
25-Ilusiones retrógradas
26-Sanguinolencia que alivia
27-Esculturas de lo que fué
28-Clima destructivo
29-Filas de muertos
30-Violenta elección
32-Gris accionar
34-Publicación ruidosa
José Morón – voz / guitarra
Miguel Tipacti - batería
Tracklist for Split with ATROFIA CEREBRAL
1 – Ansiedade generalizada
2 – Humor oscilante
3 – Distimia ao rubro
4 – Contínua tensão
5 – Desprezo obvio
6 – Completa apatia
7 – Ideia suicída
8 – Dores crônicas
9 – Depressão unipolar
10 – Traumas passados
11 – Vícios mortais
12 – Visão homicida
13 – Atração necrófila
14 – Parafilias mórbidas
15 – Mergulhado em poluição sonora
16 – Exaustão social
17 – Isolamento precário
18 – Sem escolha, sem saída
19 – Hipócrita
20 – Alimentado a merda
21 – Estúpido a senso único
22 – Falsificação da realidade
23 – Dois dedos abaixo do foço
24 – Fome sôfrega de fazer sofrer o próximo
25 – Politicamente incorrecto
26 – Não-conformista
27 – Ruptura das veias cerebrais
28 - Insuficiência aórtica
29 – Perversões ruídosas
Céd – voz / baixo
Benji - guitarra
Nacho – batería
released December 30, 2022
Xerox cover by: @musrattus
Layout by: Enfermodistro
Atrofia Cerebral
José M. – dioshastio@yahoo.com
Miguel T. – migueltipacti@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/atrofia-cerebral
Blogger: atrofiacerebralnoisecore.blogspot.pe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/atrofia_cerebral_noisecore
Drenagem – drenagemgrind@gmail.com
Bandcamp: drenagem.bandcamp.com