quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

New Release // VOMIT-SELF "Ultrasonic​/​/​Excisions+"


After a long and arduous process here is our last collaboration, Vomit-Self's Ultrasonic//Excisions +, published in conjunction with Leviatã.

Thanks to a Supercollider software, designed by Miguel Ribeiro that crashes and merges some live recordings done at Ânus Solar, with Nicas behind the speakers, each release is an uniquely automated work with the visuals being created by a Processing software that reacts to the sound inputs it receives.

This release comes in a 180 minutes VHS Tape housed in a standard open top sleeve and it's limited to 25 copies.


B.G - Samples, synths, tape manipulation, feedback, radio, oscillators and effects.

M.R - Guitar, effects, digital manipulation and post processing.

O.F - Saxophone

Production and engeneering by NUN at Anus Solar, Porto

You can buy it through our email, our bandcamp or simply send us a message through instagram.

Free listen: enfermodistro.bandcamp.com