terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2021

CANNIBE / GORGÁSMICO PORNOBLASTOMA "An Orgy Of The Damned, Tales That Witness Madness" Split Tape

EDP027 | CANNIBE / GORGÁSMICO PORNOBLASTOMA "An Orgy Of The Damned, Tales That Witness Madness" Split Tape


Split cassette limited to 30 copies hand numbered


1. Aspiration and biopsy or peripheral blood smears
2. Exomphalos
3. Malrotation of the bowels Returning to the abdomen
4. Ectoderm and inner endoderm separated by a middle layer called the mesoderm

All Musick De-Composed Someday In 2020.
Logo Cannibe By Pierre Buquet.
Cannibe Is : Ivan (Vocals), Nicola (Guitars,Bass & Prog.)
Contacts : https://www.facebook.com/Cannibe/

Cheers And Beers To Céd & Gorgasmico Pornoblastoma!!!



01. Execução Pública
02. Raiva Espasmódica
03. Auto-Desprezo Crónico
04. Idiossincrasia Abiótica
05. Loucura Autofágica
06. Descrédito Humano
07. Marasmo Cognitivo
08. Objecto Torcionário
09. Apreensão Neurótica
10. Inconformidade Repugante

Filthy sounds recorded at "O Covil" Studios in the summer of 2019 
Final master by: Bruno Esteves
Gorgásmico Pornoblastoma is: Céd - Guitar / Vocals, Luizão - Drums
Contacts: gorgasmicopt@gmail.com

Saúde to Ivan and Nicola, let's make ears bleed... Para o fundo é o caminho!!!!

Artwork by: Musrattus